Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Return to Castle Wolfenstein

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Return to Castle Wolfenstein is a new version of the original Castle Wolfenstein. In this version, the player must battle Nazis, uncover treasures and find their way through mazes and obstacles designed to stop them. The game is a first person shooter style game in which the player can disguise himself and battle SS soldiers to uncover the secrets of Castle Wolfenstein. The player discovers throughout the game that the castle is home to several paranormal experiments. The protagonist must battles hordes of undead Saxon warriors intent on killing. The game provides the user with primary and secondary objectives. Primary objectives are goals for the entire level that must be completed. Some examples include the destruction of a radar system of the annihilation of a particular enemy. Secondary objectives are optional and not required to complete a level. However, some secondary objectives make it possible to quickly reach new areas or travel in a a safer and protected manner.

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