AI Roguelite

AI Roguelite

Infinite text-based RPG, powered by cutting-edge AI technology which runs on your graphics card

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  • Category(ies):

    Adventure , Early Access , Indie , RPG

  • Type:


  • Works under:


  • Developer(s):

    Max Loh

  • Publishers(s):

    Max Loh

  • Release Date:

    Mar 2, 2022

  • Required Age:


  • Price:

    9.99 USD

  • Tags:


  • Languages:


WARNING: It is STRONGLY recommended to have either a high-end NVIDIA GPU (does not work with AMD), or get the $2.99/month in-game subscription to cloud text generation. If you have neither of these, you can only use the 125M model which is the dumbest AI and yields a "passable" gameplay experience.Introducing AI Roguelite, the world's first text-based RPG where every location, NPC, enemy, item, and crafting recipe is generated completely from scratch by artificial intelligence. Describe your starting universe (e.g. "underwater city"), and the AI will figure out the rest.AI-generated entities: What weapons might you find in an underwater city? Which enemies might you find? Where else can you go from there? All these questions are answered by the GPT technology running on your GPU, so you can explore a truly infinite world.AI-generated crafting recipes: What item could you make if combining a wooden stick with a rock? What about a computer chip with a zombie brain? The AI decides which item should be produced, based on the names of the ingredients.AI-generated combat: What happens when you try to attack a "terminator robot" with a "raw salmon"? There are no traditional item stats. Instead, whether an attack is successful depends entirely on its AI-generated name and description. The AI then generates a plausible set of events following what happens when you use it as a weapon against the enemy. Finally, the AI is fed its own story, from which it tries to figure out whether the enemy was killed, injured, or unharmed.AI-generated illustrations: Every entity gets an illustration generated by VQGAN-CLIP technology running on your GPU. Each image takes 30-60 seconds to complete, but the game can still be played while they're being generated.

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