Angry Birds Star Wars 1.3.0

Angry Birds Star Wars

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  • Works under:

    Windows 8

  • Program available in:In English

Angry Birds Star Wars is one of the most popular games Finnish game maker Rovio has produced to date. It is available for Windows 8 and promises hours of playing time by both kids and adults of all ages. The game takes on the same method of play as the previous Angry Birds games but offers a bit of a twist as the birds and pigs are disguised as recognizable Star Wars charters. There are many different levels to look forward to and the object is to hurl the colorful and charismatic birds, each of whom have different abilities, into the pigs, which are members of the Empire.

The game is highly addictive and is enjoyable even for those who are not fans of Angry Birds as a rule. This can be largely attributed to the Star Wars twist that is prevalent in this game. You can also make the birds use several Jedi Force powers, which makes Angry Birds Star Wars really stand out from other Angry Birds games.

On the flip side, the game play types essentially remain the same as in older Angry Birds games. This means that playing can seem somewhat repetitive for some users. Overall, however, it should be quite enjoyable for most users. Playing is easy on Windows 8 whether you are using a computer or tablet.

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