Christmas Crisis 1.4.5

Christmas Crisis

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  • Works under:

    Windows 2003

  • Program available in:In English

Christmas Crisis is a game where you play as Santa who had a last minute crisis and must deliver all the presents at the last second. You fly around in Santa's sleigh and have to avoid planes, birds, and other obstacles. This is fairly basic concept, and the game doesn't do a whole lot to expand on it. If the description above didn't catch your interest, there isn't anything hiding in the game that will change your mind. The graphics and sounds are "christmas-y" but nothing special, and there isn't a lot of variety in the game to spice it up. The levels gradually get more and more challenging until you fail and start over. It is basically like any flash game. There is no story or writing, just a score attack mode. Of course, it is free, so you can't complain too much if you get any fun out of it at all. It is at least worth a try during Christmas.

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