GTA: San Andreas Downgrade Patch

GTA: San Andreas Downgrade Patch

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  • Works under:

    Windows Vista

  • Program available in:In English

The San Andreas downgrade patch lets users downgrade their PC game version from version 2 to version 1. If version 1 was previously installed, gamers can revert back to that version. If version 1 wasn't installed before, the downgrade installs the files necessary to change from version 2 to version 1. The downgrade patch works with most version of windows, and it is a quick and simple install for users.

There are a few reasons why gamers would choose to downgrade to version 1. The game looks slightly different in version 1, and some gamers may like the version 1 gameplay better. More often than not, people choose to downgrade to version 1 because of compatibility issues. Some PC systems simply work better with version 1 than they do with version 2. Since version 2 can demand a bit more horse power from the computer, those computers who are borderline on being able to support the game might respond to version1 better.

There were some glitches that were corrected in version 2. So, those who downgrade to version 1 might expect to experience more problems. The game might crash more frequently. However, for borderline PCs and those PCs with compatibility issues, a switch to version 1 can do a lot to improve gaming quality. The game might run better and faster, and crash less often.

Since the installation is so small and quick to complete, it is worth it for many gamers to test how their gameplay runs with each version. In many cases, users will choose to make the permanent switch to version 1. If not, it is easy enough to go back to your previous version of the game.

For more information about the San Andreas downgrade patch, visit the following links:

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