

Neon lights, palm trees, synthwave, 80's supercars speeding down an endless highway...

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Neon lights, palm trees, synthwave, 80's supercars speeding down an endless highway... Welcome to the world of Retrowave!Listening to Synthwave / Retrowave most people have had this feeling of nostalgia for an era they didn't know or that never existed.The Retrowave is very much inspired by the 80's, but is mostly an idealized futuristic version of the 80's.This game offers the player the unique experience of being immersed in this wonderful world for at least a few moments...In Retrowave you will first start with one car, then you will be able to upgrade it or buy other cars with the money earned at the end of each run.Race your car through different unique worlds!Watch out for other vehicles on the road (yes, even in the future there will be traffic).Retrowave offers above all a visual and sound experience that will delight fans of the genre and will surely make those who don't know it yet discover this wonderful universe...Features:■ No less than 10 cars!■ More than 5 different universes!■ 4 different game modes!■ A unique retro-futuristic atmosphere!■ More than 45 different synthwave musics!■ Purchase system of car performance upgrades!■ Purchase system of new colors and wheels ! ■ Addictive gameplay!

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