Soldier Front

Soldier Front

62 Vote(s)
  • Category:


  • Works under:

    Windows 7

  • Program available in:In English

Soldier Front is an mmo built around a modern day setting first person shooter. It's basically Counterstrike with lots of quests, unlockable, and achievements. There's a ton of different guns to unlock and use, and a lot of maps. The graphics are on par with Counterstrike, which is to say, not very good. There's a lot of maps but their design isn't very good, each game seems to end up with people sniping from chokepoints, all stuck in the center of the map. The action itself is basic Counterstrike gameplay where you have deathmatch and objective matches. There's no single player so if you don't like multiplayer shooters, you should look elsewhere. The game is a good distraction, but it can be laggy and it needs some better maps. The achievements and unlocking give it some legs and it's free, so it's worth a look.

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